
estimeric discord server

About me:
▪Cass, 30+
▪GNC woman / Butch lesbian (she/her, he/him)
I don't identify as cis or trans, my gender and sexuality are both butch
▪Married & monogamous
▪Fluent english speaker / Uczę się polskiego
Pronouns & words / Zaimki i słowa

What I like to draw:
▪Mostly F/F and M/M ship art
▪Butches and GNC characters, and characters with diverse body types
▪Genderbends reimagining M/F and M/M pairs into F/F (typically tagged as both lesbian au and genderbend, for easy filtering if needed)
▪Emotional and romance-focused NSFW
▪Final Fantasy XIV, Stardew Valley, and other video game fanart
▪My OCs

Before you follow:I do not care what you post on your own blog, but when it comes to direct messages with me do not send me any sexually explicit or graphically violent works or messages involving the following: children; animals; noncon; insects; works where different types of genitals interact (such as PIV, or implied PIV) regardless of the characters' gender expressions. This includes written works as well as images. If you DM me these things I may give you a warning the first time but I block over this.These are my boundaries, I expect you to respect them if we are talking privately. Again, I am not referring to what you post on your own blog, only what appears in my inbox.In replies or tags on my posts:
▪Do not make sexual comments about me, my partner, or any of our OCs.
▪Do not make graphic sexual comments on my sfw art, or comments wishing death or harm upon a character I've drawn.
▪Do not inform me of your own personal arousal or masturbation habits in relation to my creative works. I do not want to know.
Misc other things:
▪Follows/followers =/= endorsement. I do not check my social media feeds frequently beyond my notifications and DMs, nor do I research everyone I follow or who follows me. I sometimes do not agree with the people I follow but follow for other reasons.
▪I do not support harassment of any kind, regardless of who is "morally correct", nor do I participate in callout culture. I believe everyone should tag their works thoroughly and curate their spaces, and above all mind their own business.
▪Do not reupload my art without permission. If sharing elsewhere, inform me and link directly back to my post (not simply my account).
▪Do not use my art for any commercial use. Do not use my art for NFTs or AI learning.
▪Do not follow my NSFW accounts if you are under 18.
I have specific hard boundaries, please respect them. I will unfollow/mute/block accounts that post untagged content I find personally upsetting or triggering. If you are disrespectful for any of the above reasons don't be surprised to find yourself blocked.


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twitter moments:

ffxiv art:
I (2018-2019)
II (2019-2020)
III (2020-2021)
IV (2021)
V (2022)
my ocs

ffxiv wlw vol I
ffxiv wlw vol II
estimeric vol I
estimeric vol II
estimeric lesbian AU
ffxiv lesbian AU - any ship

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General guidelines for my ocs

Never OK🚫Ask me first ❓/ OK for friends 💛Always OK ✅
▪NSFW fanart, NSFW questions/asks, and sexual/risque compliments▪Platonic interactions between your OCs and mine (fanart, headcanons)▪General/non-shippy fanart, SFW questions/asks, and non-sexual compliments
▪Using my OCs for commissions, editing or stealing my designs, using my OCs for AI art/AI learning▪Ship art of my OC/OC ships or OC/canon ships (does not include my partner's OCs)▪SFW questions/asks of my OC/OC ships or OC/canon ships (does not include my partner's OCs)
▪Fanart of my partner's OCs unless I am commissioning you  
▪Roleplay or shipping of my OCs with yours  

Main OCs:    
Final Fantasy XIV:    
Stardew Valley:    
Secondary OCs:    
Final Fantasy XIV:    

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Digital artwork of a hyuran warrior of light. He is wearing a dark red dalmascan draped top with a black cloth belt and gold jewelry all over his arms, hands, neck, and ears. He has long pink hair and chin scruff and has a thicker build. He is wearing pink

Name: Leigh
Age: 25 (ARR) - 31 (DT)
Height: 5'6" / 167.64 cm
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Physique: Short and stocky with muscle-fat
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Class/job(s): Black mage / Paladin / Culinarian / Blacksmith

Background: Hailing from Ala Mhigo with a mixed parentage of Ala Mhigan and Doman descent, Leigh was forced to seek asylum in Ul'dah at the age of only five winters. There he studied tirelessly as an apprentice and ward to the thaumaturge guild, finding adopted kinship in the lalafellin brothers that also studied there.
Leigh's studies only truly began in earnest after his new family took over the guild following the arrest of the former guildmaster during the Seventh Umbral Calamity. His first twenty years had been spent as little more than an errand boy, given quite literally a closet for a bedroom, only sneaking peeks at thaumaturgy tomes by candle light well into the hours of the morning. With his brothers' support, he finally was able to become the mage he always wished to be.Awakening his echo only upon meeting a curious elezen in the shroud, Leigh began his journey as warrior of light side by side with the man he would one day marry. Their journey ahead would be long and treacherous, but from the moment they met, everything else seemed to just fall into place as if it were fated to be.Still carrying the thick Ala Mhigan accent he picked up from his father at an early age, Leigh is sarcastic and dry at every opportunity. His heart is bigger than he lets on, however, jumping at every opportunity to help those around him who are in need.

Job info: Leigh's main passion and skill is in thaumaturgy and black magic. Forbidden though the latter may be, he consumes any and all books he comes across relating to the subject. Although he did not begin formally studying magic until his twentieth year, he has an uncannily strong magical aptitude that allowed his abilities to grow exponentially.
During his time in Ishgard, Leigh takes up a shield and begins to learn how to wield it for protection. Up until then he would use ice magic to create makeshift shields, but Ishgardian steel fares far better against dragon's breath than an easily melted pillar of ice. In time he adds a sword to his arsenal as well, fighting as a paladin while imbuing his sword with elemental magic.After the Dragonsong War finally came to a close, Leigh found humbler prospects in the restoration of the Holy See. As a child he would always cook and clean, so the culinary arts came to him with ease especially under the tutelage of the esteemed chefs of the Ishgardian High Houses.
With the newfound strength his sword and shield mastery yielded, he began learning how to work a hammer and anvil with relative ease. While at first he made little more than nails and fittings for building repairs, in no time he began forging swords and spearheads to aid the Temple Knights in replenishing their armories.

Personality: Leigh believes that there is good in everyone, even though time and time again he is shown the most despicable people in the world. He is earnest and kind, but has no trouble finding his voice whenever he smells bullshit. His moral compass and empathy guide him, often into the mouth of trouble.

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Digital artwork of a roegadyn woman. She is dressed in pirate garb: an unbuttoned blouse, leather trousers and boots, gold and ruby-accented jewelry all over her, and an ornate red coat hanging about her shoulders. She has an axe behind her and gold is spi

Name: Glazisil (or Glassi for short)
age: 27 (ARR) - 32 (DT)
Height: 7'1" / 216 cm
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Physique: Tall, toned, and muscular; a sturdy hourglass frame
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Class/job(s): Pugilist / Marauder / Fisher

Background: Child to a fearsome pirate known throughout the Rhotano Sea, Glassi spent her early days away from solid land. Although her mother had perished in her birth, her father treasured her and taught her the ways of the sea.
Upon his death at the hands of sahagin warriors, Glassi swore revenge and that she would live up one day to her father's legacy. Spending most of her days trying to scrounge together a crew and a ship, Glassi attempts one half-cocked plan after another, making herself known in Limsa Lominsa for her mischief.She catches the eye of the Admiral herself after enough time, the battle hardened seawolf being the only one who can talk sense into her. With her crew each going their own ways for various reasons, she eventually relents and allows herself and her ship to become privateers.Glassi now sails under the flag of the Maelstrom, though her roguish ways still shine through in her smarmy demeanor, short temper, and quick thinking.

Job info: Much as she wanted to throw herself into scraps as soon as she got her sea legs, the first skill Glassi learned was the way of the fisher. Her father and his crew tasked her with catching enough fish to feed the hungry crew each evening, and it taught her lessons in patience which she would lose sight of just as soon as the wisdom dawned on her. Still, even now she finds peace and tranquility whenever she casts a line out to sea.
Learning to fight with her fists didn't take long, especially growing up as the captain's daughter on a pirate ship. The crew would go easy on her, but taught her the right way to hook and block and dodge with her bare fists. At her impressive height and size, a well placed punch can knock even the sturdiest of fighters onto their backsides.It was only after her father had perished that she at last picked up an axe— his axe, to be precise. The rage of her grief guided her swings, and it took much trial and error and defeat before she learned to wield the huge weapon with any amount of precision. She carries it at her back at all times, but only draws the fearsome weapon for the most dire of circumstances when her fists just won't do the job.

Personality: Glassi is headstrong and impulsive, but fiercely loyal. She isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but her axe is sharp enough to make up for it. She is loud and brash and often speaks before she thinks. Although bursting with confidence and bravado, she can easily become a shrinking violet when in the presence of a woman she fancies.

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Digital artwork of a sunseeker miqo'te woman. She has a fit build and a dark complexion, with emerald green eyes and blonde curly hair. She has a large hooked nose and plump lips, and a garlean third eye on her forehead. She is wearing a loose purple shirt

Name: F'lihn Tia (birth name unknown)
Age: 21 (ARR) - 26 (DT)
Height: 5'3" / 162 cm
Gender: Butch (uses both he/him and she/her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Physique: Short and slim; binds chest and later has top surgery
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Class/job(s): Scholar / Archer

Background: Fleeing home as a young teen, F'lihn is a cautious character with maturity far beyond his years. She was created through a Garlean experiment which sought to create a means for Garleans to use magic, however the result was a half-garlean half miqo'te full of spitfire and brimming with magical aptitude. Due to the nature of his birth, he was outcast from his tribe for his entire life. What prompted her to flee her homeland was her echo awakening, and a premonition of further experimentation awaiting her.
Leaving his homeland far behind him, F'lihn took on the alias of a teenage boy in order to protect himself as he traveled the land, his original name and tribe a secret he keeps only to himself. She doesn't stay in one place for long, though she often haunts Limsa Lominsa for the bountiful knowledge and wisdom Thubyrgeim and the rest of the arcanist guild can offer her.Only a trusted few know her true identity and are granted the privilege of her earnest, caring personality. Most others know her as a logical, gruff boy with nothing but studies and adventures on the mind. Although it began as merely a disguise, F'lihn now embraces his identity as something not quite male or female but uniquely his own.Much as he wished to be left alone, when the XIVth legion began its invasion on the lands of Eorzea, he found his thirst for knowledge and his boundless disdain for the Garlean empire to be too compelling to ignore, and stepped into the spotlight as the Warrior of Light.

Job info: F'lihn was trained in archery like the other huntresses of her tribe, though it is a skill she rarely uses now. Still, she keeps a shortbow in her pack and keeps her arrows sharp in case she needs to hunt herself a meal— or a Garlean soldier, whatever the case may be.
After arriving in Limsa Lominsa, she devoured any and all books she could on arcane magicks. Spending many nights quietly whispering incantations in her room at the inn, conjuring up creatures from aether and scrawling cover to cover in her grimoires within weeks of obtaining a new one. It came as no surprise that when there was need of an adventurer to research ancient Nymian ruins that she jumped at the opportunity, not knowing the endeavor would grant her untold knowledge and a faerie companion evermore.

Personality: Sneering and calculating, F'lihn is more of an observer than she is a proud hero. She was always one to stand back and watch others for body language and tells of their motives, and even as the warrior of light she is a quiet and foreboding figure. She is on the introverted side and tends to prefer dusty old tomes to the company of others, but makes exceptions for those she holds dearest to her.

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Name: Cameron "Cam" DeVaughn
Age: 20
Height: 5'6" / 167.64 cm
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physique: Short and nearly skeletal
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SPECIAL: Strength 4; Perception 8; Endurance 4; Charisma 3; Intelligence 6; Agility 8; Luck 7
Tagged skills: Repair, small guns, sneak

Background: Hailing from the NCR's capital city, Cam was the son to a doctor (Marci) and a policeman (Fitz), and had a twin brother (Noah). His life was rather dull and uneventful, and like most youth of the NCR he was itching for some adventure and more importantly some caps.
On his first job with his friend (Nerissa)'s caravan, disaster struck and a raider ambush left the whole company slaughtered. Cam was small enough to sneak away, but being a teenage boy he blamed himself and continued to run fearing the consequences coming for him in the form of a desert ranger.He learned to survive however he could. He would go delirious with hunger and thirst, subsisting on anything he could find. It wasn't long before he would resort to cannibalism, finding a mostly picked over corpse of a scavenger out in the wastes and partaking of his sun-dried flesh and what few drops of water remained in his canteen. This would awaken something in him that made him find comfort in the action, regularly eating anyone he had to kill whether it be for a job or survival.He would continue heading east over the next few years, taking odd jobs and surviving however he could. Men would enter his life and use him how they pleased, but Cam welcomed any company he could get. It was hollow, but in his darkest moments he craved human interaction and would take it in whatever package was presented to him.He had nearly been ready to pack up and leave again from the Capital Wasteland when he chanced upon the Lone Wanderer from Vault 101, and found her too helpless to leave her to her own devices.

Personality: Paranoid and very jumpy, Cam doesn't let people get close to him easily. He used to be a very sweet and shy boy, but his traumas have made him weary and wary of the wasteland and the terrible people in it. Each time he lets someone get close to him, tragedy seems to follow.
He is cold, easily agitated, and a man of few words. It isn't too hard to work him up and get him angry, and deep down in his black shriveled heart, he does have a sense of right and wrong. He just usually chooses to ignore it.

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Name: Mallory "Mal" Paige
Age: 16
Height: 6'4" / 193.04 cm
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homoromantic asexual
Physique: Tall and gangly
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SPECIAL: Strength 4; Perception 4; Endurance 6; Charisma 7; Intelligence 6; Agility 5; Luck 8
Tagged skills: Barter, energy weapons, science

Background: Abandoned as an infant, he was taken in by an old hermit living on the outskirts of the Blue Ridge mountains. Mal never questioned why his grandpa avoided others and why he had so much tech in his little shack, as it was the only life he knew.
Eventually the old man died of natural causes and Mal was left alone. He tried to keep himself occupied by talking to himself and talking to the objects in his home, but he was quickly losing hope that his grandpa would ever "wake up" again. He had told Mallory this day might one day come, so finally accepting it as the end, he buried his grandpa and grabbed what items he deemed most important— particularly the old energy rifle his grandpa kept locked away— and left on his own for the first time in his life.

Personality: Mallory is very naive and friendly, eager to help others even if it is unsafe for him to do so. He considers animals and inanimate objects to be his friends, and has a whimsical sort of outlook on the world that somehow the wasteland hasn't crushed in him yet. He's not stupid, however, and proceeds with caution especially around authority figures after his grandpa warned him of those types. He's tinkered with tech all his life and has a knack for figuring out old technology easily.

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Name: Mallory "Mal" Paige
Age: 24
Height: 6'4" / 193.04 cm
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homoromantic asexual (Cupiosexual specifically)
Physique: Tall and gangly
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Ship tag
Mal/Alex fanfic

Background: Mallory was born in Pelican Town, although he never knew who exactly was his father. His mother was cold and distant to him, so for his first few years his grandparents raised him until he and his mother were able to move to Zuzu City. Even after they moved, he would spend every summer visiting his grandparents and making friends with the other kids in town.
His grandparents instilled in him a love of animals and folk music, and taught him the kindness that he carries with him to this day. Each autumn Mallory would return to living with his mother which would make him so sad, as she offered little affection or even attention beyond the bare minimum to keep him cared for and fed. He looked forward to his summers in Stardew Valley more than anything else.When Alex moved to town following his mother's death, the two became best friends quickly. Although Mallory was four years older, he enjoyed looking out for the younger boy and the two were inseparable for a time.During his teenage years, Mallory moved to the other side of the country and was unable to visit again until adulthood. In the meantime he focused on education, studying to become a veterinarian up until learning of his grandparents' illness and subsequent deaths, which occurred back to back over a short span of years.Mallory was surprised to learn his grandparents left everything to him, and so he dropped out of grad school to live out his childhood dreams of following in his grandparents' footsteps. While getting to know everyone again in Pelican Town, he finds that Alex is surprisingly aloof with him, and Mallory makes it his personal mission to win over his childhood best friend again.

Personality: Mallory is chipper and optimistic, and takes everything in stride. Although his bad experiences did shape him, he refused to let them define him, and chooses to be a kind and caring person every day. He has a natural affinity toward animals and children, and finds himself happiest when among his farm animals and pets. He is loyal and loving, and it takes a lot for him to give up on someone.

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Job info:


Let me preface by saying I by no means expect anyone to give me gifts out of any notion of obligation! But if it's something you want to do, here are things I like that would make me happy if they were shared with me or made for me! Please nothing sexually explicit. Also, I don't read well so images (art/gpose/photos) are preferred over written works.General things:
▪Cute food
▪Butch redesigns or genderbends of any of the characters below (so long as the genderbend is not done to turn a M/M or F/F couple into a M/F couple)
▪My OCs (preferred: Leigh, Cam, or Mal alone; Glassi/F'lihn; Mal/Alex)
▪Zenos (shipped with Meteor or alone)
▪Varshahn (alone, or platonically with Azdaja)
▪Lyse (shipped with Fordola or alone, also please no big chest)
▪Otis (either form though robot is preferred; alone, or shipped with Sphene)
▪Jullus (alone)
▪Matsya (alone)
▪Hien (shipped with Yugiri or alone, f!Hien is also appreciated)
▪Cocobuki, Cocobusi, et al. (either those two alone, all 6 brothers, or platonically with my OC Leigh)
▪Fourchenault/Ameliance (please no genderbends or redesigns for these two)
Stardew Valley:
▪Alex (alone, or shipped with my OC Mallory)
▪Maru/Penny (separate is also fine but the ship is preferred)
▪Leo (alone)
Other series:
▪Veronica Santangelo [Fallout New Vegas] (alone)
▪Piper Wright [Fallout 4] (alone, or shipped with my OC Vic)
▪Camus/Cecil [Uta no Prince-sama] (separate is also fine but the ship is preferred)
▪Ren [dmmd] (shipped with Aoba or alone)
▪Squall Leonhart [FFVIII] (shipped with Rinoa or alone, f!Squall is also appreciated)

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